All Information About Eggs
We have compiled the most asked questions about eggs for you, if you have any other questions, you can ask us a question using the contact form on the side.
How many calories is an egg?
Egg contains all 6 essential nutrient groups (protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral and water) that are essential for a healthy life. An egg meets more than 9% of the recommended daily doses for many nutrients (protein, n-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, K, D, E, B2, B12, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid and many minerals).
Despite its high nutrient content, the energy content of the egg is low. The energy content of a medium-sized egg (60 gr.) Is approximately 80 Kcal.
Is raw egg consumption healthy?
Human consumption of raw eggs poses a risk for some pathogenic bacteria (especially Salmonella).
The digestibility of raw egg whites is very low, some proteins in uncooked eggs bind vitamins and minerals taken with other foods, preventing the use of vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins and minerals whose absorption and usefulness are prevented are thrown out directly. When the egg is cooked, its digestibility and usefulness increase, while the egg proteins that bind vitamins and minerals are denatured at high temperatures.
Cooked eggs cannot bind proteins, vitamins and minerals to itself. Therefore, those who consume raw egg whites for a long time may experience health problems due to the deficiency of this vitamin (especially biotin) and minerals. In short, raw egg consumption is not beneficial for health. However, it is harmful to health as it may cause digestive problems and vitamin – mineral deficiency.
How is an egg with a dark yolk?
The color of the yolk does not affect the nutritional value of the egg. The substance that gives color to the egg yolk is xanthophyll pigments. These pigments cannot be produced by chickens, they must be taken with the feed they consume. The lutein and zeaxanthin pigments that give the color of the egg yolk are also important antioxidants. These pigments do not create flavor. For this reason, there is no difference between the nutritional values and flavors of light and dark eggs.
The values of brown eggs
Shell color is a hereditary feature. Generally, chickens with brown hair and red auricle color lay eggs with brown shells. Chickens with white fur and white auricle color lay eggs with a white shell. Brown-shelled eggs are slightly larger and their shell breaking strength is higher. However, there is no difference between the nutritional values of brown and white shelled eggs.
How many eggs does a chicken produce per day?
Hens with high egg yield lay eggs once a day at most. Because it takes 24 – 26 hours for the formation of an egg. For some physiological reasons (eg early ovulation) some chickens can be seen laying eggs twice a day. But these chickens do not lay eggs the next day.
Are they high in collagen content?
There is a high amount of collagen in the structure of the egg shell membranes. Collagen, which allows the membranes under the shell to remain flexible as well as stable, is very beneficial as they show the same effect on humans. The under-shell membranes used by many famous cosmetic companies are shown as the world’s cheapest collagen source.
Egg shell membranes can be consumed on top of the boiled egg (without peeling the membrane). It will visibly regulate skin elasticity and wrinkle-reducing effect.
Is the egg washed?
Washing damages the protective layer (cuticle) in the eggshell. Especially in eggs washed in cold water, microorganisms on the shell surface are drawn into the egg through the microscopic pores on the egg. Therefore, the risk of infection increases in the eggs that are washed. In addition, many pathogens can be transmitted to hand-washed eggs through contact with hands.
Green-gray layer formed when boiled
Eggs that have been boiled at high temperature for a long time or left uncooled for a long time after being boiled form a green-gray colored ring around the yolk. A pronounced sulfur smell is felt in these eggs. This color change occurs as a result of the interaction of iron and sulfur in the egg on the yellow surface. The consumption of this egg is not harmful to health.
Hard-to-Peel Boiled Egg
Fresh eggs are harder to peel when boiled. Because the shell and the under-shell membranes and egg whites are tied more tightly. When the egg is kept, there is a loss of water, an air cell is formed by separating the outer and inner shell membranes at the blunt end. In these eggs, the shell is more easily peeled off. In short, the hardly peeled egg is fresh.
Whether the egg is fertile or not
Since there are no roosters in the herd in commercial egg production, all eggs produced are unfertilized. However, if the village egg is taken and there is a rooster in the herd, the ring-shaped blood stain on the surface of the yolk may be evidence of the fertility of the egg and embryo development. The red stains that appear near the shell or on the white of the eggs in cardboard trays bought from the markets are blood stains on the liver or ovary of the chicken. These spots are not fertility or embryonic development.
Is egg high in cholesterol?
A medium egg contains 210 mg of cholesterol. Almost all of this cholesterol is found in egg yolk. It is not recommended for people with high cholesterol problems to consume more than one egg yolk a day. There is no cholesterol in egg whites. For this reason, it is okay for people with high cholesterol problems to consume egg whites. It is not possible to produce cholesterol-free eggs. But; It is possible to reduce egg cholesterol a little (10 – 50%) with genetic improvement, changing the ration content, some feed additives or some chemicals.
Are functional eggs safe?
Functional eggs are the types of eggs that have become widespread in recent years. It is created by increasing or decreasing the nutritional value of eggs by changing the feed content. Selenium, omega, vitamin and mineral eggs are examples of functional eggs. The main advantage of functional eggs over other functional foods is that overdose is practically impossible. Because the chicken produces the egg for the continuation of its generation and does not transfer any nutrients to the egg in a dose that will be harmful to the embryo. Therefore, consumption of these eggs is safe.
Does the antibiotic given pass to the egg?
Antibiotic residues can be transferred to the egg. Antibiotic use has been banned in the European Union since 2006. In some countries, the use of certain antibiotics is permitted in the egg industry under veterinary supervision and for disease treatment. The sale of eggs produced before the purification period is completed is prohibited. Antibiotic use is also prohibited in our country during the EU harmonization process. In countries where antibiotics are allowed, consumers who do not want to take this risk may prefer organic eggs, where the use of antibiotics is completely prohibited.
What is the protein content of the egg?
A medium egg contains an average of 8 grams (13%) of protein. This amount goes up to 13 grams in XL size eggs. All of this protein is found in the egg yolk. Compared to our basic food sources, eggs are at the top of the class of foods with high protein content. In addition, egg protein is more useful than other protein-containing foods.
Can eggshell be used as a calcium supplement?
Yes. Two methods can be used for this purpose.
Method 1 (Shell Powder): Egg shells are washed thoroughly and separated from the egg white. Possible pathogenic bacteria are destroyed by boiling for 5 – 10 minutes. After the shells are dried, they are finely ground. It is stored in sealed containers. Half a teaspoon of shell powder contains about 400 mg of calcium. It is recommended that the shell powder be consumed with 400 mg of magnesium citrate and Vitamin D in patients with osteoporosis. To consume the shell powder in the form of calcium citrate, it is mixed with teaspoon of shell powder ½ lemon juice. It is drunk when the bubbles are finished (after 3-4 hours at room temperature).
Method 2 (in Lemon Juice): Put 1 egg in a small jar. Add enough fresh lemon juice to cover it. The jar is tightly closed and put into the refrigerator. It is shaken 3-4 times a day. If the lemon juice is fresh, bubble out stops after 2 – 3 days. The eggshell melts. The egg can be taken out of lemon juice and used normally. 1 teaspoon is consumed initially by shaking the remaining solution. The amount can be increased in the following days. Because it is difficult to calculate the amount of calcium dissolved in lemon juice. If the egg is kept in lemon juice for a longer time, it will absorb the lemon juice and swell and the under-shell membrane may tear. Therefore, eggs should be taken out of lemon juice after 3-4 days at the most.